Friday, May 25, 2007
The Best Defense: The mere fact that exculpatory evidence was withheld is a Brady on it's face a violation...politics as usual 'eh mate?
Execution~ my bad ~Executive session deprives the public of "engagement of any and/or all matters they are paying for. Pro Bono consult? y not? 551
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These search terms have been highlighted: tyner little
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Commissioners Court Minutes For July 26, 2006
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BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this the 26
day of July, A.D., 2006, there was begun and held a
REGULAR MEETING of the Honorable Commissioners Court of Nueces County, Texas, wherein
the following members thereof were present, to-wit:
COURT of Nueces County, Texas, wherein the following proceedings were had, to-wit:
Pastor Axel from Pilgrim Baptist Church gave the invocation.
The Court entered into Workshop Session at 8:40 a.m.
The Court reconvened into regular session at 9:05 a.m.
Agenda Item #1
The Court recessed the regular meeting at 9:06 a.m. to hold a Public
Hearing to consider naming a newly constructed section of road “County
Road 48” and rename an existing section of road “Hummingbird Lane”.
On motion of Commissioner Cazalas, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to close the Public Hearing and to reconvene into Budget
session at 9:10 a. m.
The Court reconvened into regular session at 10:55 a.m. All members
Pledge of Allegiance
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Agenda Item #18
On motion of Commissioner Cazalas, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to adopt a resolution formally accepting the
recommendations of the Nueces County Beach Management Advisory
Committee, related to the Nueces County Dune Protection and Beach
Access Plan. See Volume 37, Pages 561-569.
Agenda Item #2
Commissioner Cazalas reported that he would be going to Austin on
Thursday to attend a meeting pertaining to retirement plan issues.
Commissioner Longoria also reported that she was going to attend the same
meeting in Austin.
Commissioner Ortiz – no report
Commission Bañales commented on the wonderful opening of the Old
Courthouse annex. She also thanked the following people who assisted with
the project: Edward Herrera, Lt. Robert Hernandez, Elsa Saenz, Roxanne
Hunt and her staff, Jason Parker, Michael Molina, Commissioners Court
Assistants Yolanda Slubar, Sandra Santos, Sandra Ysassi, and Josie Herro,
and Tyner Little.
Judge Shamsie commented that the Commissioners Court will be adopting a
tax rate that is lower than the effective tax rate. He is also proposing to raise
the homestead exemption for those over 65 and disabled, from $60,000 to
$62,500 which will further lower the taxes. The Judge also thanked the
Court, all Elected Officials, and employees for their hard work in keeping
costs down. It was a team effort.
Agenda Item #3a
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve the minutes for the March 8, 15, and 23, 2006,
Commissioner Court meetings, with corrections to the March 15, 2006
minutes to include the following names of persons who assisted during the
Diabetes Awareness Fair: Commissioner Bañales thanked the Leopard
Street Corridor, Ace Zamora, a Miller High School student, Elsa Saenz,
Human Resources Director and son Eric, Terry Montes, Yolanda Slubar and
son Steven and her daughter Analisa Bañales for their hard work in
preparation for the event.
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Agenda Item #3a(i)
On motion of Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Bañales, the
Court voted to authorize payment of bills and claims certified by the County
Auditor, including regular bill summaries dated July 12 (2), July 13 (2), July
17, July 19, July 20 (2), and July 24, 2006, and manual checks dated July
14, and July 21, 2006; and to approve the Special Motions List dated July
26, 2006. See Volume 37, Pages 570-571.
Agenda Item #3b
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to authorize the acceptance of a donation of $1,000.00 from
TXU Energy for use by the Nueces County Human Services Department.
Agenda Item #3c
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to ratify the contract with Complete Construction Service for
services related to the Hilltop Nature Area II Skate Park, subject to company
providing proper insurance. Contract No. 200600092.
Agenda Item #4
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to authorize the adoption of a Resolution and Order adopting
the name of “County Road 48” for a newly constructed section of roadway.
See Volume 37, Page 572.
Agenda Item #14
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz, the
Court voted to approve a pay adjustment for Juvenile Board members and
County Court at Law Judges, effective December 1, 2005, pursuant to
Attorney General Opinion No. GA0437.
Agenda Item #6
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve an amendment to grant for Local Public
Health Preparedness and Response for the Bioterrorism FY 05-06 in the
amount of $67,381.00. Contract No. 200600093
Agenda Item #7
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve Attachment No. 03A to Department of State
Health Services Title XX contract for additional funding in the amount of
$46,329.00. Contract No. 200600094
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Agenda Item #8
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve Attachment No. 04A to Department of State
Health Services Title V contract for funding in the amount $22,840.00.
Contract No. 200600095
Agenda Item #5
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Cazalas,
the Court voted to adopt a Resolution and Order to change the name of a
section of County Road 48 to “Hummingbird Lane”. See Volume 37, Page
Agenda Item #9
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to authorize execution of a contract with Naismith
Engineering, Inc., for roadway and drainage improvements relating to the
Rose Acres Colonia project. Commissioner Cazalas abstained because he
is Chairman of Office of Rural Community Affairs Grant Review Committee.
Contract No. 200600096.
Agenda Item #10
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Ortiz, the
Court voted to adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of a grant
application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for a Texas
Recreation and Parks Accounts Program. See Volume 37, Page 574.
Agenda Item #11
On motion of Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Longoria, the
Court voted to approve an amendment to the Texas Parks and Wildlife
agreement related to extending the expiration date on the New North
Robstown County Park grant from July 15, 2006 to July 31, 2006. Contract
No. 200600097
Agenda Item #12
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve the execution of a Memorandum of
Understanding with the State of Texas – Office of Court Administration for
collection software funding assistance. Contract No. 200600100
Agenda Item #13
On motion of Commissioner Ortiz, seconded by Commissioner Longoria, the
Court voted to accept and approve the Management Letter from the
independent audit firm, Pattillo, Brown and Hill, for fiscal year ended 9-30-05.
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Agenda Item #15
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve the allocation of $1,000.00 diabetes funds for the
Texas Cooperative Extension for Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes (DWBW)
Agenda Item #16
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve an agreement with Goliad County, related to the
performance of Postmortem examinations by the Nueces County Medical
Examiner. Contract No. 200600098
Agenda Item #17
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to authorize execution of agreement with the Office of the
Texas Attorney General related to the Child Support Enforcement Program
pursuant to Title IV-D. Contract No. 200600099
Agenda Item #19
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to authorize the County Judge Executive Assistants, Steve
Waterman and Tyner Little, to approve the Quarterly Request for County
Reimbursement of Juror Payments.
Agenda Item #20a
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Cazalas,
the Court voted to award IFB No. 2660-06, Channel Clearing near Banquete,
to Garrett Construction Company.
Agenda Item #20b
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to table Agenda Item #20b.
Agenda Item #20c
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to advertise for Courthouse Window Renovation.
Agenda Item #20d
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to advertise for Courthouse Elevator Maintenance.
Agenda Item #20e
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to authorize advertisement for a New 12” Waterline
Improvement for the Fairgrounds.
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Agenda Item #20f
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to authorize advertisement for a Courthouse Security Access
Control System.
Agenda Item #21
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales
the Court voted to table Agenda Item #21.
Agenda Item #22a
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve Unfreeze List No. 486 and Temporary Application
and Contract List No. 176. See Volume 37, Pages 575-576.
Agenda Item #22b
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Cazalas,
the Court voted to approve Personnel Change Reports through July 11, and
July 18, 2006. See Volume 37, Pages 577-588.
Agenda Item #22c
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve creation and the unfreeze of Epidemiologist
position, PG 27, Step 1, under the Department of State Health Services
grant funding.
Agenda Item #22d
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve reclassifying the Tax Office position no. 22, from
17/03 to 21/01; and position no. 35 from 15/01 to 11/01.
Agenda Item #22e
On motion of Commissioner Cazalas, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to approve of the reclassifying the Public Works Principle
Engineer position from 38/01 to 42/01.
Agenda Item #22
On motion of Commissioner Cazalas, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to approve the creation and unfreeze of an architect-facilities
management position, pay group 39, in the Department of Public Works.
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Agenda Item #23
On motion of Commissioner Cazalas, seconded by Commissioner Bañales,
the Court voted to enter into session at 11:55 a. m. in accordance with the
authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections
551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, to
consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate
regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters including
termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic
development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an
Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the
Commissioners Court may in an open session take such as action as
appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
The Court reconvened into regular session at 12.54 p.m. Judge Shamsie
Agenda Item #24
On motion of Commissioner Bañales, seconded by Commissioner Longoria,
the Court voted to appoint Candy Holmes, Wavel Milligan Brown,
Commander U. B. Alvarado, Nick Nevarez, and Rev. Richard Stafford to the
Adult Protection Services Special Task Unit
On motion of Commissioner Longoria, seconded by Commissioner Bañales, the Court voted to
adjourn the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Court, it is ordered that this meeting do now
stand adjourned, this the 26
day of July, 2006.
Terry Shamsie, County Judge
Nueces County, Texas
Diana T. Barrera, County Clerk
And Ex-Officio Clerk Of The
Commissioners Court Of
Nueces County, Texas
Diana T. Barrera, County Clerk